The Kimberling Usher Research Laboratory in the Institute for Vision Research is pleased to announce an increase in our campaign goal to $10 million. This increase is possible because addiitonal major donors have joined the "challenge side" of the matching effort so that we can now match every gift for Usher Syndrome Research, dollar for dollar, until $10 million is raised.
The image above highlights two major steps forward in the treatment of Usher Syndrome. Panel A shows an image from a human donor retina used to facilitate development of large capacity vectors for Usher Syndrome gene therapy. Panels B through D show the loading of biodegradable, immunologically compatible, cell delivery scaffolds (green) with OTX2 positive photoreceptor precursor cells (red) for autologous photoreceptor cell replacement and treatment of retinal degenerations.
More complete details about our recent progress in Usher Syndrome research can be found in the full Usher Challenge Update announcement here.